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Kurs English Language
Polaznici će u skladu sa svojim rezultatima testa za određivanje nivoa znanja engleskog jezika pohađati jedan od pet kurseva engleskog jezika u I semestru, na osnovu čega će se odrediti koji će kurs dobiti u II semestru.
- Starter nivo
- Elementary nivo
- Pre-Intermediate nivo
- Intermediate nivo
- Upper-Intermediate nivo
Recimo da na osnovu procene znanja u I semestru dobijete Starter nivo, u II semestru ćete dobiti Elementary nivo. Ukoliko u I semestru dobijete Elementary nivo, u II semestru ćete dobiti Pre-Intermediate nivo i tako redom.
Napomena: Polaznici čiji nivo znanja na testu procene bude iznad Upper-Intermediate nivoa dobijaju kurs Business English u online varijanti.
1. Starter nivo
Opis i cilj kursa
Na ovom predmetu polaznik se upoznaje sa najosnovnijim elementima gramatike engleskog jezika, kao i sa vokabularom potrebnim za vođenje jednostavne komunikacije na početnom nivou.
Cilj ovog kursa jeste da se polaznik osposobi za razumevanje najosnovnijih informacija, kao i za najelementarniju usmenu komunikaciju na engleskom jeziku. Pored toga, polaznik će naučiti neka osnovna pravila gramatike kao što su razumevanje glagola BITI u sadašnjem vremenu, upotreba prisvojnih prideva u svakodnevnoj konverzaciji, upotreba imenica i brojeva u komunikaciji, korišćenje odričnog i upitnog oblika prostog sadašnjeg vremena itd.
Plan i program kursa
- Modul 1 – Present Simple Tense TO BE (Present Simple TO BE, Welcome, What Country Are You From? What’s Your Nationality?)
- Modul 2 – Possessive Adjectives (Possessive Adjectives, His Favourite Car, My Favourite Actor)
- Modul 3 – Plurals and Numbers (Plurals and Numbers, We Are Twin Brothers)
- Modul 4 – This, These, That and Those (This, These, That and Those, How Much Are These Red Shoes?; What is This?; What is That?)
- Modul 5 – There is and There are (There is and There are, Home Sweet Home)
- Modul 6 – Present Simple Tense – potvrdni oblik, Present Simple Tense – potvrdni oblik, We Live in a Flat in Belgrade, Sarah’s Day)
- Modul 7 – Present Simple – odrični i upitni oblik (Present Simple – odrični i upitni oblik, I Go to Work by Bus, My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Football)
- Modul 8 – Present Simple and Adverbs of Frequency (Present Simple and Adverbs of Frequency, Henry Usually Comes in Winter, She Usually Has a Party)
- Modul 9 – CAN (CAN, I Can Speak English)
- Modul 10 – Past Simple TO BE (Past Simple TO BE, Yesterday They Were in the Country, Was She in the Kitchen?)
- Modul 11 – Past Simple – Regular Verbs (The Simple Past Tense (Prosto prošlo vreme), Sheila Wanted to Play Football, Princess Penny)
- Modul 12 – Past Simple – Irregular Verbs (Past Simple – Irregular Verbs, The End of a Wonderful Weekend)
2. Elementary nivo
Opis i cilj kursa
Na ovom kursu upoznaćete se sa osnovama gramatike engleskog jezika i steći sposobnost da učestvujete u jednostavnoj komunikaciji na engleskom jeziku koja se zasniva na razmeni informacija. Kada je reč o gramatici na ovom nivou, programom su obuhvaćena osnovna vremena koja se najčešće koriste u engleskom jeziku, pa će vaše rečenice već tada moći da dobiju pravi oblik i vreme. Konverzacija će, takođe, biti unapređena u odnosu na početni nivo, savladaćete vokabular potreban za svakodnevnu komunikaciju na elementarnom nivou i spremiti se za nastavak učenja, jer zašto bi se ono ovde završilo?
Cilj Elementary kursa je da vas osposobi da razumete osnovne i najznačajnije instrukcije ili informacije na engleskom. Po završetku kursa, moći ćete da učestvujete u razgovorima na poznatu temu, ali i da vodite ispravnu pisanu komunikaciju na engleskom. Ovaj kurs će vam pomoći da počnete sa učenjem engleskog na najbolji način i pripremiće vas za nastavak učenja – za naredni kurs i viši nivo znanja.
Plan i program kursa
- Modul 1 – Present Simple TO BE, Possessive Adjectives, Indefinite Articles (Present Simple TO BE, Possessive Adjectives, Indefinite Articles, Hello, My Name Is Sofia)
- Modul 2 – There Is/Are, Some, Any, Plurals (There Is/Are, Some, Any, Plurals, At the Party, Our House Is in a Pretty Village)
- Modul 3 – Possessive ’s, Prepositions of Place (Possessive ’s, Prepositions of Place, Jane’s Family)
- Modul 4 – Present Simple Tense (Present Simple Tense, American Food, A Typical Day)
- Modul 5 – Prepositions of Time (Prepositions of Time, Ordinary Life, People Start Work at 9)
- Modul 6 – Articles (Articles, The Age of the Train, We Love Our Work)
- Modul 7 – Can (Can, He Is a Genius)
- Modul 8 – Present Continuous Tense (Present Continuous Tense, A Day Out of Routine, A Usual Conversation at a Party)
- Modul 9 – Past Simple Tense TO BE (Past Simple Tense – verb ’to be’, How Was Your Holiday?, Who Was Your Best Friend?)
- Modul 10 – Past Simple Tense (Regular Verbs) (Past Simple Tense (Regular Verbs), One of Those Days) Modul 11 – Past Simple Tense (Irregular Verbs, Past Simple Tense (Irregular Verbs), Holiday in Greece, Moving to Italy)
- Modul 12 – Going to, Because, So (Going to, Because, So, New Year’s Decisions)
- Modul 13 – Pronouns (Pronouns, Amy’s Story, Mark’s Story)
- Modul 14 – Modals (Modals, A Helpful Friend)
- Modul 15 – Comparisons (Comparisons, Hobbies)
- Modul 16 – Present Perfect Tense (Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect and Past Simple, Life in a Town)
- Modul 17 – Adverbs (Adverbs (prilozi), Picnic After All)
- Modul 18 – Will (Will, Predictions)
3. Pre-Intermediate – niži srednji nivo
Opis i cilj kursa
Pre-Intermediate je niži srednji kurs engleskog jezika. Ovaj nivo engleskog omogućava polaznicima da razumeju širi fond reči, sporazumevanje u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji i pisanje.
Niži srednji kurs engleskog jezika polaznicima pruža brojna znanja i mogućnosti pomoću kojih će moći da koriste jezik u deskriptivne i narativne svrhe, samostalno se služe pismenom i usmenom formom engleskog i tako razumljivo usvoje širi spektar jezičkih funkcija.
Cilj kursa jeste da se polaznici osposobe da se samostalno izražavaju u željenom kontekstu, postavljaju pitanja i učestvuju u manjim diskusijama i prepiskama, kao i da kreiraju i šalju kraća pisma informativnog karaktera.
Plan i program kursa
- Modul 1 – Present Simple Tense (Present Simple Tense, The Most Loved Professions, As
- More Schools Embrace Tablets, Do Textbooks Have a Fighting Chance?)
- Modul 2 – Present Continuous Tense (Present Continuous Tense, Nomophobia and Smartphone Addiction Among Children, This is What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 5, 20 and 60 Minutes)
- Modul 3 – Past Simple Tense (Past Simple Tense, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla)
- Modul 4 – Articles (Articles, Getting to Know...Belgrade)
- Modul 5 – Verb Patterns: -ing, to (Verb Patterns: -ing, to,In Vogue)
- Modul 6 – The Future: Will/Going to (The Future: Will/Going to, On Two Wheels in a Green Land)
- Modul 7 – Prepositions (Prepositions, Home Sweet Home)
- Modul 8 – Quantifiers (Quantifiers, Why Do Japanese People Live So Long, Making a Cake)
- Modul 9 – Comparisons (Comparisons, How Women and Men Use the Internet)
- Modul 10 – Present Perfect Tense (Present Perfect Tense, Job interview)
- Modul 11 – Modal Verbs (Modal Verbs, Searching for the Job of Your Dreams)
- Modul 12 – Past Continuous Tense (Past Continuous Tense, A Very Bad Day)
- Modul 13 – Passive Voice (Passive Voice, Inventions)
- Modul 14 – Conditionals (The First Conditional, The Second Conditional, This is What Happens When You’re a Couch Potato, What Would You Do with a Million Dollars?)
- Modul 15 – Past Perfect Tense (Past Perfect Tense, Weddings)
4. Intermediate nivo – srednji nivo
Opis i cilj kursa
Srednji kurs engleskog jezika polazniku pruža šira znanja i jezičke funkcije zahvaljujući kojima će moći s lakoćom da komunicira bilo u pismenoj bilo u usmenoj formi i bez poteškoća razume čak i autohtone govornike engleskog jezika.
Cilj srednjeg kursa engleskog jezika jeste da omogući polaznicima da ulaze u dublje diskusije, čak i o temama sa kojima nisu upoznati, da razgovaraju i o apstraktnim temama, da se izjašnjavaju o različitim pitanjima i razumeju raznovrsne informacije i uputstva. Pored toga, polaznici će biti osposobljeni da čitaju različite tekstove, časopise i sl.
Plan i program kursa
- Modul 1 – Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense (Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense, Wedding Traditions from around the World, These 9 Tech Firms Pay the Best Entry-Level Salaries)
- Modul 2 – Past Simple Tense (Past Simple Tense, The Tuxedo, The ZX Spectrum, The First Computer Programmer)
- Modul 3 – Adjectives (Adjectives, Qualities of a Good Friend)
- Modul 4 – Question Tags (Question Tags, Social Media Marketing)
- Modul 5 – Past Continuous Tense (Past Continuous Tense, The Worst Vacation Ever)
- Modul 6 – Used to, Be Used To (Used to, Be Used To, The Story of The BBC)
- Modul 7 – Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense (Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense, Apple Macintosh)
- Modul 8 – Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Bermuda)
- Modul 9 – Modal Verbs (Modal Verbs, Make a Specialty, Robots are Coming for Dirty, Dangerous, and Dull Jobs)
- Modul 10 – Reported Speech (Reported Speech, My Story How Technology Helped Me)
- Modul 11 – Relative Clauses (Relative Clauses, Cultural Differences, The Rise of Android)
- Modul 12 – Passive Voice (Passive Voice, Social Networking Sites, Dressing for Work)
- Modul 13 – Causative Have (Causative Have, Prepare Yourself for Summer Holidays)
- Modul 14 – The First Conditional (The First Conditional, Signs You Just Nailed That Job Interview)
- Modul 15 – The Second Conditional (The Second Conditional, What If We Didn’t Need Sleep)
- Modul 16 – Past Perfect Tense (Past Perfect Tense, How Twins Work)
- Modul 17 – Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Past Perfect Continuous Tense, The Biggest Mystery in Mathematics Shinichi Mochizuki and the Impenetrable Proof)
- Modul 18 – Past Modals (Past Modals, Coping with Stress in the Workplace)
- Modul 19 – The Third Conditional (The Third Conditional, Wish, Lie and Deception, Some Things I wish I Hadn't Said to My Girlfriend)
5. Upper-Intermediate – viši srednji nivo
Opis i cilj kursa
Viši srednji kurs omogućava polazniku uspešnu komunikaciju (razumevanje i usmeno izražavanje) na engleskom jeziku, kao i smislenu i samoinicijativnu konverzaciju sa govornikom kome je engleski maternji jezik. Pisani jezik dobija formu nalik onoj kod izvornog govornika engleskog jezika.
Cilj kursa je da osposobi polaznika za vođenje razgovora u vezi sa velikim brojem različitih tema, kao i za izdvajanje najvažnijih činjenica iz tekstova i razumevanje detaljnih uputstava. Takođe, polaznik će se osposobiti za pisanje pisama u vezi sa netipičnim temama i hvatanje beležaka u situacijama kada neko govori na engleskom jeziku.
Zanima vas ovaj kurs? | Možete ga pohađati u okviru ovih Internet Academy programa: Online Sales & E-business Development Manager, E-commerce Manager & Entrepreneur, E-Business & Internet Marketing, Social Media, Online PR & Community Manager, Digital Marketing Planner & Account Manager, Web Project Manager & Data Analyst, Content & SEO Manager i PPC & Digital Channels Manager. |
Plan i program kursa engleskog jezika
- Modul 1 – Present Tenses (Present Tenses, Five (Serious) Symptoms of Facebook Addiction, Welcome to the ”Weisure” Lifestyle)
- Modul 2 – Past Tenses (Past Tenses, Job Interview)
- Modul 3 – Articles (Articles, Digital Heaven)
- Modul 4 – Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Countable and Uncountable Nouns, The Power of Advertising)
- Modul 5 – Expressing the Future (Expressing the Future, Future Perfect and Future Continuous Tense, The Future of the Workplace)
- Modul 6 – Relative Clauses (Relative Clauses, Participle Clauses, Clauses of Purpose, Everyone Is Born Creative, but It Is Educated Out of Us at School)
- Modul 7 – Gerund and Infinitive (Gerund and Infinitive, Three Ways to Remain Productive When Working from Home)
- Modul 8 – Modals (Modals, Past Modals, None of Us Is as Smart as All of Us, The Mysteries of Stonehenge)
- Modul 9 – The Passive (The Passive, Passive Constructions with Say, Believe, Computer/Internet Addiction Symptoms, Causes and Effects)
- Modul 10 – Reported Speech (Reported Speech, Work-Related Age Discrimination)
- Modul 11 – Conditionals (Conditionals, Life Before Smartphones: It Was OK to Be Vague About Things)
- Modul 12 – Idioms (Idioms, The Road to Success)
- Modul 13 – Phrasal verbs (Phrasal Verbs, Phrasal Verbs in the News)
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